LAURA VALLE | Press: KCRW Music, Ramon Banda, et al, Write Positive Words About Laura Valle's 'Perlas'

We've received some positive feedback about Laura Valle's 'Perlas'. Here's what critics and professionals from the music industry are saying:
We've received some positive feedback about Laura Valle's 'Perlas'.
Here's what critics and professionals from the music industry are
- Dee Ranson
KCRW's Café LA's Producer Tom Schnabel writes:
"Dear Laura, I got "Perlas" and played it. I think you have a great voice."Ramon Banda, from Banda Bros. says:
"Hi Laura, I love your CD Perlas one of my #1 iPod choices. Keep me posted where you're performing. Paz y amor."And Other Reviews:
" You will be taken on a journey through a new world of music landscapes and moods, passionate songs with a touch of jazz and South American temperament."- Dee Ranson